Do you consider yourself business savvy? Do you know the “ins and outs” of running a business? At SparkleBIZ, we are creating a team of mavens - wonder women and men advisors to help single mothers become leaders and build successful businesses.

Imagine if you had a mentor or advisory board to help you in every phase of your business journey. Think of all the pitfalls you could have avoided. Why not share your savvy business advice with women who are on that same journey and need your help. You only need to give 1-2 hours per month, and the gratification you feel will make every minute worth it.

As a valued mentor and member of our expert panel, you will have the opportunity to advise and guide our budding entrepreneurs with best practices, important decisions, and useful advice to help them accelerate their growth.

Not only is this incredibly beneficial and valuable for the mentee, it’s also a rewarding experience for our mentors to share their wealth of knowledge with those that need it most.

We are looking for men and women who want to be a part of this exciting initiative. If you would like to join one of our panels, please get in touch.


The SparkleBIZ Initiative


What We Do

We believe that single mothers are the hardest working, most dedicated entrepreneurs out there.

SparkleBIZ wants to fund their dreams. We invest in single mothers who need short term, interest free loans for their business.

SparkleBIZ provides these micro-loans to start or expand their businesses and adds value with access to a panel of industry

The Program

Once qualified our entrepreneurs receive an interest free business loan ranging from $5-15k due in 18-36 months.

To further guarantee their success and nurture their journey, we partner them with an advisory panel of industry specific experts.

This panel provides guidance in decision making, implementation of best practices and act as a sounding board during critical moments in their business.

Want to get involved?