Would you like to donate to SparkleBIZ and help single mothers launch or grow their business with short-term, interest free loans? Or perhaps become an investor? Please either click on the donate button below or fill out the inquiry form.


The SparkleBIZ Initiative

What We Do

We believe that single mothers are the hardest working, most dedicated entrepreneurs out there.

SparkleBIZ wants to fund their dreams. We invest in single mothers who need short term, interest free loans for their business.

SparkleBIZ provides these micro-loans to start or expand their businesses and adds value with access to a panel of industry

The Program

Once qualified our entrepreneurs receive an interest free business loan ranging from $5-15k due in 18-36 months.

To further guarantee their success and nurture their journey, we partner them with an advisory panel of industry specific experts.

This panel provides guidance in decision making, implementation of best practices and act as a sounding board during critical moments in their business.

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